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Botanical name: Piper umbellatum Family: Piperaceae (Pepper family)
Synonyms: Lepianthes umbellata, Piper subpeltatum, Pothomorphe alleni Cow-Foot Leaf is an erect, somewhat woody plant,
1-2 m tall. Leaves are membranaceous with prominent, glandular, brown
to black dots beneath, broadly ovate to suborbicular-ovate, 17-37 cm
long, 15-32 cm wide, the base subpeltate, multiplinerved and
equilaterally deeply heart-shaped, the tip with a pointed tip, somewhat
hairy on the nerves on both surfaces, and the margins ciliate.
Leaf-stalks are very long, more or less hairy, 11.5-27.5 cm long.
Spikes are numerous, umbellate, axillary, hermaphroditic, 5.5-12 cm
long, 2-3.5 mm in diameter. Rachis is smooth. Bracts are stalked,
peltate, about 1 mm long, with semilunar, triangular disk. Fruit is
free, crowded, obovoid-trigonous, 0.75-1 mm long, about 0.5 mm in
diameter, glandular, with the apex truncate and umbonate. Stigmas are
cuspidate. Stamens are two, 0.2 mm long and with very short stalks.
Cow-Foot Leaf is native to South America, naturalized in many parts of
the world.
Medicinal uses:
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